Discussion & Study Group on Wednesday Evening @ 7pm

If you are interested in joining and/or finding out more about this study group please fill in the information on this form and a leader will get back to you!
A discussion & study group, comprised of both men and women of various ages. Led by Randy Kamp.

In September, the Wednesday Night Care group will be beginning a year-long journey to read through, and reflect on, the entire New Testament! The chapter-a-day readings start on Sept. 9th; the first group meeting will be on Sept. 25th. If you're interested in joining the pilgrimage, contact Randy Kamp or co-leaders Brian Watts and Noel Manucduc.

Meeting at the church building on Wednesday evenings at 7pm starting Sept 25th
Please select all that apply.


If you are interested in joining and/or finding out more about this study group please fill in the information on this form and a leader will get back to you!